The Emerge Club Learning Series

Join us every month as we dive into practical skills, personal growth strategies, and leadership insights that will shape your future.


Hello, I am Julia Tanimojo, a student of Pharmacy at the University of Lagos.

I am the Vice President of The Emerge Club Africa, and I am glad to welcome you to The Emerge Club Learning Series.

The Emerge Club’s Monthly Learning Series is designed to equip you, as an undergraduate, with the knowledge, tools, and mindset needed for academic, personal, and professional growth.

Each month, we focus on a core area of development such as leadership, career preparation, entrepreneurship, and personal well-being.

Whether you’re looking to sharpen your skills or discover new perspectives, these sessions are curated to help you navigate life more effectively.

This is your chance to grow with a community of like-minded individuals and gain insights from experts across diverse fields.

Find below the details of our upcoming session and be sure to register to be part of it.

Key Features

Why You Should Attend

Expert-Led Sessions

Each month, we invite industry leaders and experts from to come share with us their journey.

Interactive and Practical

All the sessions within the Learning Series are designed to be interactive, helping you gain hands-on experience with actionable strategies and solutions.

Opportunity To Ask Questions

We don't just talk and expect you to listen. No, you also get to ask questions and have your questions answered. What more, chances are that one day, we will invite you to speak and we learn from you too.

Free to Attend

Oh yes, all our Learning Series sessions are FREE to attend. This is because we are committed to making learning accessible to all undergraduates.

Next Session of Our Learning Series

Find below details of our next session.


How To Make the Most of the Year


Saturday, 18th January, 2025.


08:00 PM (WAT)


Virtual (Google Meet)

About Our Facilitator

Victor Ifegwu-Mbonu is a passionate Social Impact Leader dedicated to empowering young people across Africa. With a deep commitment to youth development, he has made significant strides in creating impactful initiatives that foster personal growth and leadership.

Sir Vic, as he is fondly called by his Mentees and admirers, was recognized in 2021 as one of the “50 Top Rising Social Impact Transformers in Africa,” a testament to his dedication to driving change.

He is the President and Founder of the Double Edged Impact Network, a membership-based organization focused on helping individuals become more, contribute more to society, and create positive change. One of the Network’s key programs is The Emerge Club, a youth development initiative across Nigerian and African universities, equipping undergraduates with essential skills for success after school.

Victor also leads the Double Edged Equip Program, an academy that has trained over 100 individuals in digital and soft skills. He manages Project Nurture, a mentoring platform offering direct guidance to undergraduates, and organizes the Young Men Conference and the Young Women Conference, annual  events for young men and women in Africa.

As a Personal Growth and Leadership Trainer (PGLT), Victor is the founder of Grolead Coaches and Trainers Ltd, where he provides individuals and organizations with training, resources, consultation, and inspiration for personal and professional development. He has also contributed to civic engagement, serving as a FOI Ambassador with the Ymonitor initiative of the Future Project Africa in 2021.

Victor holds a Master’s degree in History and Strategic Studies from the University of Lagos and is currently pursuing his PhD at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 

Driven by a mission to help individuals “go DEEP”—discover, equip, extend, and promote themselves—Victor continues to make a lasting impact through his works.

Victor Ifegwu-Mbonu

Victor Ifegwu-Mbonu

Personal Growth and Leadership Trainer/Coach

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The Emerge Club is Home
To All Undergraduates
In Africa.